Friday, January 2, 2009

Check it out

I'm doing my blogging on my book review site for now. I need to keep that site active to keep in contact with the publishing companies, authors, and publicists. You can visit me there by clicking here. Please join my site as a contact. That would be so cool. Thanks.

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

I love the fall flowers & the changing of the leaves. Here are a few pictures from my front yard including the header. (mums)

Thursday, October 30, 2008

These are my first cockatiel babies and although they are not my oldest birds they are my second and third oldest. The white bird is Betty and the gray pied is Bud. They are sweet birds and very attached to each other and preen each other a lot. They are about 9 years old.

Our Day

I took Kristen bowling today. It was nice to get her out and about. She had a nice time. We goof around and get silly in the bowling alley. hee hee

When we got home we made up the treat bags for Halloween. :P

Friday, October 24, 2008

Halloween Party Mice

Kristen and I made some mice for the Halloween party the kids are having tomorrow night. These are fun and easy to make. I haven't made them since the kids were little. They are older now but love this. You're never to old for a mouse cup cake I say. ;D I'll post some pics of the party. ;D It should be fun for them. They are very particular about the friends they have and the ones they have are very nice. :D

Friday, October 17, 2008

This most unusual sight is a few miles from Stockton College in Pomona, New Jersey. I drove by this many times and it looked like old coke bottles all along the fence. I stopped one day to take a closer look (and a picture) and was surprised to find that they weren't old coke bottles at all. lol. I guess they are some sort of solar energy thingy. I would love to know. If I ever see someone in the yard I will stop to ask. I must know!!

Monday, October 13, 2008

Kristen's Pumpkin

We picked up a couple of pumpkins at one of the many farmer's stands that line the White Horse Pike on the way to Stockton College. Kristen picked this one out and promptly sat down and did this painting on it. ;D It only took her about 20 minutes to paint. She intends to paint some more on it so I will update the pictures later.